The classical cello as nucleus of this project was accompanied by the products of high-techevolution. Beside real time computer processing and a large array of effect machines, Ulrich Maiß introduced two new instruments into the world of experimental music: the six-string electric cello and the bass cello, a hybrid between electric cello and electric bass.

ZenMan Improvisations v.2 was the follow-up project to ZenMan Improvisations.
The project started in December 2009 with a project with students from the MEME program at Brown University and moved through Germany from there. The project with students of the Department of Performance Studies at Texas A&M University, broughtZenMan Improvisations v.2 back to the US and concludeds ZenMan Improvisations v.2 at the end of 2010. 

This version of the ZenMan-project incorporated interactive video and sculptural art for the first time.